
Feasibility study and detailed design of the Tbilisi bypass (85 km), as part of the infrastructure development plan.
The contract, under a call for tenders launched in July 2016, by the Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, and financed by the Asian Development Bank, has been awarded to a temporary grouping of companies headed by AIE and including IRD Engineering S.r.l. and Gestione Progetti Ingegneria S.r.l.
The contract provides for the study and design of a new motorway, 85 km long, within the framework of Georgia’s infrastructure development plan.
In particular, the route comprises two sections: Zhinvali – Natakhtari (30 km) and Natakhtari – Rustavi (55 km). Phase one of the project features the preparation of a technical, environmental, economic and financial feasibility study, while phase two will consist of the detailed design of the motorway.
In this regard, Anas International has opened a branch in Tbilisi, both to optimise the performance of the contract and strengthen our presence in the Caucasus region, which is of great interest for the development of the north-south trade route connecting Moscow and the Persian Gulf.